We were very blessed today to have Fr. Nathaniel do the classroom blessings. At the end, he reminded the children that their classrooms have been anointed with holy water and holy oil placed on each the classroom walls in the form of a cross; therefore, they need to see their classroom as an extension of the church and act accordingly. Of course, the teachers were in full agreement with his words; we are all accountable to them, students and teachers alike.

Fr. Nathaniel addresses the School

Blessing K1 Classroom

Anointing the classroom walls

The blessing of the 2/3 classroom

The blessing of the 678 classroom

The blessing of classroom 4/5

The blessing of the 4/5 classroom children

The blessing of the 2nd grade classroom

The blessing of the 2nd graders
Time lapse To the Spirit Rally

Learning the names of the new Kindergartners
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